Account Specificity:
Points collected from transactions will be credited solely to the account that initiated the purchase and cannot be distributed among multiple accounts.

Non-Monetary Value:
Points do not hold any cash value and are non-transferable between accounts or individuals.

Points Calculation:
Points are awarded based on the final price of items, after applying any discount or cash voucher adjustment.

Points Validity:
Points earned are valid for 12 months from the date of the last transaction. Validity is renewed annually on the anniversary of the member’s most recent transaction.

Refund Policy:
In the event of a refund, points spent on the refunded item will be reinstated to the member's account.

Birthday Discount Authentication:
Members must present valid identification confirming their eligibility to claim their birthday discount during their birthday month.

Birthday Discount Entitlement:
An email with a dedicated discount code will be sent to you seven days before your birthday. The code can be redeemed once at any time within 30 days of receipt. This entitlement is exclusive to existing customers.

Voucher Usage:
Cash vouchers are only applicable to regular-priced items and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers.

Rewards Redemption and Availability:
TROVE reserves the right to modify the details of rewards redemption and voucher offerings at its discretion. TROVE Treasure Chest gifts and redemptions may vary periodically and are subject to stock availability.

Tier Status Validity:
When a member unlocks a new tier (Voyager or Collector), their tier status is locked in for the next 12 months from the date they elevate their membership. To sustain their tier status thereafter, members must meet the minimum annual spending requirement.

Tier Status Review:
Tier status is reviewed annually, based on the member’s spending over the past 12 months from the date they unlock their current tier. If they elevate their membership to a higher tier within that 12-month period, the anniversary date for the tier review resets to the date of unlocking the new tier.

Program Amendments:
TROVE may alter the details of the loyalty program, including terms and conditions, without prior notice.